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Tag: html

Html/XML getting stuck looking for a node it shouldn’t be

I’m working on a small xml/html interface to list a bunch of buttons, and I’m having an issue with what I think is it looking for item types in nodes it shouldn’t be. The XML has a <set> of groups, and inside that will be <items> which has a <type>, a ‘button’ or ‘break’. After a check if <type> is

Disable the drag on screen in a-frame AR.js

I am trying to disable the drag feature of A-frame so that if a object is in front of your screen the user can’t just drag on the screen and remove it from your front to other place without even moving. Can anyone help me out with how I can do it? EDIT I have already tried look-controls-enabled=”false”, but it

Vuejs loading CSS and JS files giving MIME type error

I have created a new vue-webpack project. when I want to add CSS and js files through link and script it gives me this error The stylesheet http://localhost:8080/src/assets/styles.css was not loaded because its MIME type, “text/html”, is not “text/css”. and for js files, it gives this error Uncaught SyntaxError: expected expression, got ‘<‘ I have included them inside index.html file.

Vuetify data table :item-class doesn’t do anything

I’m really confused by “:item-class” prop in Vuetify (v. 2.3.4) data table. It does nothing even if I try to add a static text class. It just renders tr tags without any class: Do you know why? I think it worked some time ago and I haven’t changed Vuetify (2) version. Answer item-class does not specify the CSS classes directly.
