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Tag: xml

Populating an HTML table from an external XML

I have come across a problem while fetching data from an external XML document with JS. I have been following the w3schools tutorial for AJAX XML so far, but I ran into something I couldn’t solve. I have a XML that looks like this: I want to dynamically access the data inside the XML and create a table while doing

How to write an XML file with certain format using JS?

I am trying to write an XML document from an HTML form using JavaScript with the following function: JavaScript function: The file that is generated has the following format: I am trying to modify the method in order for the nodes to have the following format: I know that setAttribute() doesn’t work because it makes an attribute in the node.

Get the hierarchy of a XML element with XPath

I am trying to get the ordered list of the hierarchy of a given element in a “application/xml” document that I parse using a DOM parser in Javascript. So the expression should return the list [‘Grand Parent’,’Parent’,’Target’] for each A tag that has no A children. So I will get a list of lists where the last element of

Blogger post url prefix

It looks like this when I use data:post.url in Blogger; the shape I want to show; /2021/04/post-name.html How can I achieve this? Answer You can do that with JavaScript Edit Place the following code before </body>
