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d3js mask to show dots over bar chart

i saw this example here: and i want to add these dots over my bar chart using mask. Here is my JavaScript code: Here is my CSS code: and here my live example: Where is the problem and i cannot see this outcome correct outcome but i see this one wrong outcome? Answer Solution: just change the circle

Why eslint throw that error, and how can I get rid of it?

I wrote a function to return sessionStorage data and eslint throw error correlated with the return statement in an arrow function Expected to return a value at the end of arrow function consistent-return Answer This is pretty simple, ESLint is telling you that the functions might exit without returning, in your case that might happen when data is false, so

Using Javascript to block element send to next line [closed]

Closed. This question needs debugging details. It is not currently accepting answers. Edit the question to include desired behavior, a specific problem or error, and the shortest code necessary to reproduce the problem. This will help others answer the question. Closed 2 years ago. Improve this question I have a button element that is hidden at the beginning. However, I

Hide Twitch iFrame If Channel Not Live

We have a site embedding Twitch streams. They have events for a channel going offline. So when a stream is live, then it goes offline, I can essentially then hide the iframe. However, I’m wanting to have it so if when the page is loaded, and the channel is already offline, the iframe doesn’t show. Any ideas and thoughts much

Parse two arrays to check each value JavaScript

So i have two lists. List A contains a list of all dates of a specified month. list B contains a sequence of 1 and 0´s. If i want to check if date from list A is equal to 1 or 0 corresponding to the position in list B, How should i approach this?. The idea is to check if

D3 / Canvas: Axis not displayed

i have the following issue: I want to create a simple chart using the d3 library and the canvas rendering. I don’t see anything in my browser – but, if I inspect the element, the Axis is ‘compiled’ in the code and I can hover over every tick in the code while the position in the DOM is marked. But,
