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Rails vuejs get height of iframe element

I am using vuejs with rails webpacker and turbolinks. I want to calculate the correct height of the iframe element on the initial page load. Currently, I am getting the height of the element when I manually refresh the page, and when someone navigates from any other pages to the page where the iframe element is located, the height of

TypeORM fails to connect without any error message

I am trying to get started with TypeORM, but cannot get createConnection to work. I run the default tpyeorm init server file, but there is not error or logging shown, nor is the postgres DB updated. index.ts ormconfig.json (note: I changed the postgres password to ‘root’) running start gives the following output: Note that none of the other logging statements

nodejs MySQL – Server requests authentication using unknown plugin

When attempting to connect to MySQL 8.0.21 server running Ubuntu 20.04 using NodeJS and mysql2 package, I receive the common error below: Server requests authentication using unknown plugin sha256_password I know that mysqljs and mysql2 do not support sha256, so I confirmed my user was setup for mysql_native_password: And have confirmed that default_authentication_plugin is set as mysql_native_password. What makes this

ENOENT: no such file or directory when installing react-navigation in react-native project

I’m getting a few errors while I’m installing react-navigation in my react native project with npm install @react-navigation/native The installation goes halfway and stops for a couple minutes and puts this error out. Can someone please help me solve this problem The navigation.navigate(”) is not working whenever I am trying to navigate a button to another screen. I feel like

Password regex that requires “at least two of” certain characters

Im working on javascript regex which includes having following conditions. So far with no luck. -The minimum character count allowed is 8. -The maximum character count allowed is 64. -The entered text should include at least two of the following – numbers, lowercase letters, uppercase letters, Special characters. -Entering symbols will not be supported. So far what I have is

Debugging React Context rerenders

I am trying to optimize my React app in order to remove unnecessary renders. Please refer to this Snack for an example: In this example app, there are two state variables stored in context. One of these values is updated every second, the other never changes. What I am trying to wrap my head around is why console.log(‘rerender’); is

Random image from html on button click

I am trying to make a script that will take the images from one div element and put it to div rndmImage randomly on button click, I should see images when document is loaded, but the new div where images should go after click must be empty until click heapends. And I need only JavaScript, no jQuery, alse i can
