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Tag: c#

GUID model binding in ASP.NET MVC

I was hoping someone could help me sort this out. The solution to this is probably obvious but I can’t seem to figure out what I’m missing… I’m trying to issue a get request from my Javascript code, and the URL contains a Guid. The ASP.NET controller does not get hit/register the request to the API. I’ve tried a couple

Blazor autocomplete tagging

Similar to this question, I am looking for a component to add tags to an object like in stackoverflow, meaning autocomplete text field for tags. I am either looking for a native component or a way to wrap a JS solution so that it can be used in blazor. Another idea is a multi-select component with checkboxes like discussed here,

What is the error OpenQA.Selenium.WebDriverException : javascript error: document.getElementByName is not a function

I got a error in executing the below line of code I got the error At line 3 document.getElementByName is not a function (Session info: chrome=87.0.4280.141) what is the reason for it? Answer The JavaScript method is document.getElementsByName(…) (plural – Elements not Element). This method returns a collection of elements, not a single element. Be sure to access the [0]

While loop in node.js

I am trying to convert a C# snippet for a simple while loop to a JavaScript solution. The C# code asks for a input, prints the output, and as long as the input is not 0, continues the question. For the JavaScript solution, I am using VS Code and the integrated terminal for the JS output using node. As I

SVG cannot be displayed as an image

I’ve got svg string file on database. I want to show it on my Asp.Net Core projects view. I’m calling my data as Model from controller. When I’m trying to do it, it displays as text on my page. Here is my svg: And here is my code on Index.cshtml file: How can fix this? UPDATE: Answer I’ve solved problem.

ASP .Net Core 3.1 octokit rest npm package issues

I use npm and a gulpfile.js to essentially export npm packages to a ‘lib’ folder under ‘wwwroot’; this works a treat and whenever I update a specific npm package if it’s in my gulpfile.js watch list it’ll push the contents to the ‘lib’ folder. The issue I have is that I used to use a manually extracted copy of ocktokit-rest
