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Tag: c#

Build a view model for c# using jQuery

I have one view model and i’m pass that view model into controller, but one of the model property is a list of other class. so i’m not able to bind it via jQuery. I have the following view model. ToolsParamsBlockViewModel class that is used as list type here is my controller method that handle viewmodel data and finally im

Multiline textbox value split using javascript in Asp.Net C#

Asp.Net C# Multiline textbox(textbox1) value split after 35 charaters of address & add to textbox(textbox2 – Singleline) again split next 35 charaters & add to textbox(textbox3 – Singleline) again split next 35 charaters & add to textbox(textbox4 – Singleline) again split next 35 charaters & add to textbox(textbox5 – Singleline). Note: While Splitting value after 35 characters make sure if

Access Messages from Message Center

Hi I’m try to display the top 5 messages from the message center on the homepage. But I’m not sure what I’m doing wrong. I try to get the messages from the message view model here is my code. View model MessageViewModel.cs Controller Cshtml Answer To display top 5 records, we should use the “OrderByDescending()” to sort the message, and

FileUpload: Get filenames with JS not working

I want to get filenames and put it in label lbName but this code is not working. I used asp:FileUpload. This is my code: <asp:FileUpload ID=”FileUpload1″ AllowMultiple=”true” runat=”server” Onchange=”upload()”/> <asp:Label ID=”lbName” runat=”server” ForeColor=”Gray” Visible=”True”></asp:Label> and JS code: Answer You could use jQuery and bind a change event to the input type=file. Or if you want to make your javascript work:

What is the JavaScript equivalent of C++ std::flush?

I am trying to port one of the programs I’ve written in my own programming language to the web using WebAssembly. However, I’ve run into a problem. Namely, one of my programs is supposed to print all the permutations of the digits of a number entered by the user. You can see the live version. The problem is that, when
