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Tag: middleware

Array of functions with additional arguments in the express router middleware

From the above code, I’m passing an array of functions [cb0, cb1] and each function requires some data attribute of type any and additional parameters like req, res and next. Earlier,I tried passing the data attribute like below format using bind concept. app.get(‘/example/d’, [cb0.bind(data), cb1.bind(data)], (req, res, next) But if I use the bind concept, then how to pass the

Getting Redux DevTools To Work

I followed the tutorial, however, am getting the console error: “Error : Expected the reducer to be a function” Here is my ( relevant ) configuration: WEBPACK.CONFIG.JS: INDEX.JS: CONFIGURESTORE.JS: CONFIGURESTORE.DEV.JS: Im not clear on what I am doing wrong. Thanks Answer Having a redux dev tools log monitor over my page was a little bit frustrating. So I found an
