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Tag: while-loop

Dynamic Div Tags in a While Loop

I have a while loop that populates 4 div tabs (in one parent div) with PHP. I also have a copy-to-clipboard script to copy text from a P tag. Unfortunately, this function works only if the tag and button have a unique Id. So my question is this: How do I assign a sequential Id to my looped P tags?

nested if statements javascript

I’m trying to do a lookup until i found an especific value; currently using if statements like this but right now its only two levels and i dont need how many if statements will be needed until the conditions meets. Is there a way to avoid using infinite IF statements ? Answer You can make use of recursion as follow:

My while loop in JavaScript gets stuck in an infinite loop when the subtractive condition is included

I’m doing this exercise where you have to calculate the number of limes needed to get the juice. It needs a switch statement inside which takes out the first element of the “limes” array, (and that works flawlessly). Until i add the condition to count down the wedges: even if in the cases is specified to subtract a determined amount,

print array in method in vue.js

I am very new to vue and I wanted to play around with methods a little. What I wanted to try was printing out an array of Strings and this is the method I tried to use: But I get errors because of i and s. I tried a few things but it always either says I didn’t define or

While loop in node.js

I am trying to convert a C# snippet for a simple while loop to a JavaScript solution. The C# code asks for a input, prints the output, and as long as the input is not 0, continues the question. For the JavaScript solution, I am using VS Code and the integrated terminal for the JS output using node. As I
