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How to combine two javascript FormData objects

I need to combine two FormData objects and post them using XMLHttpRequest. One of the forms contains file input. It doesn’t work when I use $.extend or if I use serialize() to combine the form that doesn’t have file input. Any idea how to do this? Answer You cannot couldn’t. FormData is was unfortunately not enumerable. However, as you say

gulp – exclude a file when minifying CSS

Im new to Gulp.. I have been able to successfully install and concatenate and minify my .js and .css files, however, there is one .css file which i want to exclude – print.css Ive followed the instructions here: install gulp-ignore in my local directory, and modified my gulpfile.js to: Within my CSS Task – Secure, i have included .pipe(exclude(‘Secure/css/print.css’))

d3.js get JSON from url

The situation is that i am trying to get d3 to read a JSON file which is stored in Windows Azure Blob storage. If i paste the url into a browser then the file is downloaded to my machine. I would like to be able get the JSON file from the url with d3, but no graph is produced which

ReferenceError: $ is not defined

I have this error message ReferenceError: $ is not defined This is my header. Following is my JavaScript code Following is the HTML I want to show datepicker on the input tag. I am using Bootstrap V3.1. I am using this datepicker. Answer Add jQuery library before your script which uses $ or jQuery so that $ can be identified

Javascript: Convert Array to Object

Which is the easiest way to convert this: to this: in order to pass it to AJAX data? I’m using VisualSearch and it returns an array of Facet model instances which i need to convert into an Object. Answer think about the array.reduce function everytime you need to perform these kind of transformations.

My displayError() function is not working at all

I made a function that should display an error or remove an error. Unfortunately, when I use the function in any way, for example like displayError(true, “test”);, it’s not working. When I check my html code to see if anything changes, nothing is changed. Anybody who can identify the problems? Answer I found out about the console log method. So
