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Tag: http-headers

How do i hide API key when it must be wrapped in apostrophe?

I’m struggling a bit on how to hide the API key that is located in my header. JavaScript: Because the ‘Authorization’ and ‘Token token=’ are wrapped in apostrophe i can’t put in a variable because it would then be seen as a string and the API will deny my request. I tried using string interpolation but didn’t work. The documentation

Check url content type with javascript

In order to conserve server resources I’m looking for a way to retrieve the content type of a given url using javascript. It should not download the complete content from the url only the headers. Is this possible with the restrictions javascript has. Answer Make an Ajax call with a head request.

HTTP Content-Type Header and JSON

I have always been trying to avoid using most of the HTTP protocol’s properties for the sake of fear of the unknown. However, I said to myself that I’m going to face fear today and start using headers purposefully. I have been trying to send json data to the browser and use it right away. For example, if I have

Regex to match accept-language header

I am trying to match the following accept-language header field of a http request. The problem is in the last line. It should imho yield: What is wrong with my regex? Answer Your first capturing group matches everything that doesn’t contain dashes and stops at a dash -. In your last string you have no dash, so it matches the
