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Tag: python

Passing variables from Flask to JavaScript

I looked at similar forums but was not able to get any of the solutions to work. I am trying to pass variables from Flask to my JavaScript file. These values then will be used for PubNub from my JavaScript file. Here is part of my Python code: Here is part of my JavaScript code (app.js): this code works if

How to send audio blob from javascript to python?

I want to send a audio blob from JS to python script (which runs on server). My JS ajax .. looks something like this. and my python script looks like this. Right now, I am just testing, so it should get me the duration of the audio file. The blob is generated through record.js This is not working, as the

Access getEventListeners from chrome webdriver (python)

Aim: Get all events attached to a node from selenium webdriver I’m using selenium-python and I’d like to execute a javascript script (through driver.execute_script(‘my js script’). This script uses getEventListeners which is only available on Chrome. I used successfully to launch a chrome browser. Executing my script with getEventListeners(myNode) I get something like: File “/usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/selenium/webdriver/remote/”, line 403, in execute_script {‘script’:

Convenient way to wrap long SQL statements in javascript

In python, one can use “”” to wrap long MySQL statements. For example, However, if I try the same thing in javascript, there will be syntax error. Is there some kind of javascript equivalent for python’s “””string encapsulation? If no, what are some best practices for encapsulating a long MySQL string statement in javascript? I am using node.js restify client.

How to call python script from NodeJs

I need to call this python script in NodeJs. I used python-shell, here is the NodeJs code for that Test.js But when I ran this code I didn’t see anything in Node side. I think problem occurs when python script comes to this level. Because I just ran with while loop which has only print statement then it works.

Solve Cross Origin Resource Sharing with Flask

For the following ajax post request for Flask (how can I use data posted from ajax in flask?): I get a Cross Origin Resource Sharing (CORS) error: I tried solving it in the two following ways, but none seems to work. Using Flask-CORS This is a Flask extension for handling CORS that should make cross-origin AJAX possible. How to

“The owner of this website has banned your access based on your browser’s signature” … on a url request in a python program

When doing a simple request, on python (Entought Canopy to be precise), with urllib2, the server denies me access : Error: This is a apparently a generic issue, so I found several clues on the web. A firewall, proxy, a browser plugin or extension may be throwing a false positive. Try visiting the site with a different browser as

How to achieve realtime updates on my website (with Flask)?

I am using Flask and I want to show the user how many visits that he has on his website in realtime. Currently, I think a way is to, create an infinite loop which has some delay after every iteration and which makes an ajax request getting the current number of visits. I have also heard about node.js however I
