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Tag: javascript

Flatten nested JavaScript object

I have a nested object and I want to flatten/map it into a single-layered, table-like object. From that, I want to get something like this: Sure, I could simply iterate over the object with two for loops and put the result info a separate array, but I wonder, if there is a simpler solution. I already tried to play around

VSCODE Javascript template string become white and lost highlight in a non deterministic way

I don’t know exactly how to express it in words to find related problems. In some cases, apparently random, when using JavaScript string templates, the text editor loses becomes white, with bold text and makes editing the code very difficult. First appearance of the problem was when I started working with javascript string for GraphQL query, then it started showing

Use .reduce to sum object variabele based on object enum

I’m trying to use the .reduce method to sum the amount of different Expense objects. These Expenses can be of different type, and I’d like to keep the objects in the array splitted by that. So for example, the following array of expenses: Should become this: Also note that there should not be amount: 0 if no expenses of that

Why pass {…props} in a React Route?

I’m using the route below just because it was the code I found on the web: I know the {…props} denotes multiple arguments but I can’t understand why I need it at all because the code below also works just fine and props.msg is available in Test expected So what does {…props} actually do when passed in during render? Answer

Function which is swapping Elements in an Array of Arrays, returns undefined at the specific Indexes

I have an Array of Arrays. My Array is called splitarr[Array2[],Array1[],Array0[],Array3[]…]. It is not ordered correctly from Index Zero to index 2. So I want to swap splitarr that it looks more like this => splitarr[Array0[],Array1[],Array2[],Array3[]…]. However my code does not seem to work. When i try to console.log my Array, the indexes where the elements are supposed to be
