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how to convert minutes to HH:mm with moment plugin

I have 2 timestamps and i already calculated the time difference in minutes with moment plugin. Now i want to convert the minutes to HH:mm. What i am doing wrong? Answer Since you have not specified what is the error, I’m assuming you are leaving the dependencies required for duration method. The moment-duration-format depends on moment, so you should require

Dynamic Vuetify Textbox or Select based on Array Values

I’m working on a modal form which will display a number of v-select or v-text-field… however, the number and types of these elements are being pulled from a database which means the vuetify code to create the elements needs to be dynamic. To start, I have a json object which is returned from the database which describes each input element.

Select Text within ’embed’ for pdf document

I am attempted to scrape information off a website which apparently uses an ’embed’ to display a pdf window. The code is very simple and I’ve found a method for sending the information. If I ‘ctrl + a’ the pdf window, it will select everything. At which point, I can now send the information as needed through a message. My

Tooltip in worldmap created via d3.js

I have created a worldmap using the d3 and now able to create the specific countries to have hover effect , however I have also created the tooltip what I want to do now is to get the country map in the tooltip (the country which is hovered) i have used d3 v4 to do all this. I have made

I am trying to use populate in mongodb with nodejs, but values are not populating

listservices.model.js Services.model.js exports.findAll = (req, res) => { const services =; var condition = services ? { services: { $regex: new RegExp(services), $options: “i” } } : {}; Services.find(condition ).populate(‘servicescategories’) }; [{“_id”:”60a27c66d87174379c93d7b5″,”name”:”MY data name”,”closed”:false,”active”:false,”listservices”:”60a2606680405c41c05cf005″,”createdAt”:”2021-05-17T14:23:34.412Z”,”updatedAt”:”2021-05-17T14:23:34.412Z”,”__v”:0}] Answer You are trying to use different name in your controller, populate receives 4 parameters- path, selection(fields to be return) , condition, options (like {limit:10}):

How can i do a iteration whit last value in Alpine JS?

It´s possible to make a sum using the current value and the previous value to generate a new column in the table, in an Alpine iteration? In code below: After code: i need to show balance (current .valor + last .valor) in a new column of my table. Is this possible? Thanks for all. Answer x-for has a way to
