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Automaticly loading script from Chrome Extension for a specyfic website

First of all, js is not my cup of tea.

I’ve create a liltle chrome extension that works well, but for the moment, the script only execute when I change tab and come back on the previous tab.

Here’s the code for the background.js

    chrome.tabs.onActivated.addListener(tab => {
    chrome.tabs.get(tab.tabId, current_tab_info => {
        if (/^ {
            chrome.tabs.executeScript(null, {file: './foreground.js'}, () => console.log('I injected'))

So is there a way that when I click on the website, the script automaticly runs instead of switching to another tab then come back on the previous tab?

I’ve made some research, but I don’t find any anwser. Thank you!




So I just modify the manifest for:

"content_scripts": [
          "matches": ["<all_urls>"],
          "js": ["foreground.js"]

Instead of:

"permissions": [
        "webNavigation", "*://*/*" 

"background": {
        "scripts": ["foreground.js"]
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