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Tag: xpath

How to escape a sup tag in xpath selector

I want to extract the text content from the below HTML tag, but the <sup> tag is preventing me from getting the desired text. The text I want to extract is simply (4:6, 6:7). how can I extract this text at the same time escaping the <sup> tag. I tried this “//p/text()”, but I am only getting the part before

Get the hierarchy of a XML element with XPath

I am trying to get the ordered list of the hierarchy of a given element in a “application/xml” document that I parse using a DOM parser in Javascript. So the expression should return the list [‘Grand Parent’,’Parent’,’Target’] for each A tag that has no A children. So I will get a list of lists where the last element of

How do I delete/exclude selected children nodes from the parent node in Selenium/Python?

Say, I’d like to get the article without to_del (could contain 0 or several elements). Seems driver.execute_script is the solution. But how to code it? Answer The remove() method removes the specified element from the DOM. we are using while and refinding the elements to avoid stale element error as the DOM changes whe nyou delete a node

Is there any equivalent to selenium FindElements By.XPath in chrome extension java script?

I have some experience in Selenium, using some code as below to locate elements using XPath; I recently started to develop an Chrome extension, and I could not find any similar way to locate elements using easier way similar to XPath. I’m having many complex queries developed in selenium, using the XPath methods. I just want to do the same

Parse property page URLs using xpath

I am trying to parse the main property page, more precisely I would like to extract the href from attribute class that is here, and make a follow link: However all the combinations I have tried result in None. I am also aware of API (, however, in the response, I do not see the URL to the properties,

How to use Array.from with a XPathResult?

When I use querySelectorAll, I can find 138 td nodes in my sample document. When I do the same with XPath, I get no result: Although there is at least one match: The problem seems to be that Array.from can not iterate over a XPathResult. Even this returns 0: How to make a XPathResult suitable for Array.from? Answer Unfortunately you

Get element’s xpath in javascript

I am developing in javascript and I would need to get the xpath of the element clicked. I know that in order to get the id we can do : How could I do to get the xpath ? Regards. Answer There are many ways to access an element with XPath. For example you can access it by node name
