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Tag: web-scraping

Select Text within ’embed’ for pdf document

I am attempted to scrape information off a website which apparently uses an ’embed’ to display a pdf window. The code is very simple and I’ve found a method for sending the information. If I ‘ctrl + a’ the pdf window, it will select everything. At which point, I can now send the information as needed through a message. My

what is this request response format?

i’m trying to scrape a website but the thing is that i get this as a response (most likely javascript ? ). I am using request in order to send requests to the website. Is it possible to convert it to a parsable format ? I thought of using jQuery to send request an accept a certain response format.But as

Web scraping data displayed inside button with no name

I’m trying to extract values stored inside different buttons on the webpage. It seems button of each variant has no name, they are just called “variant__box”, which are under “variants” div class. As far as I can tell, values are loaded by javascript on each variant__box. This is the website to get the data: This is the code I’ve

Parse property page URLs using xpath

I am trying to parse the main property page, more precisely I would like to extract the href from attribute class that is here, and make a follow link: However all the combinations I have tried result in None. I am also aware of API (, however, in the response, I do not see the URL to the properties,
