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Tag: jsx

reactjs setstate not working in function that has .map

Good Morning. Need help, i have the below script, the thing is the setState is not working, I think I’m missing something here? or Am i doing wrong. the “return” in the below is inside “.map” so i could display the 3 file in the array. Thanks Answer I imagine you want to recreate the file array, just changing the

SemanticUI Button still active after clicked

When you click on the button, it becomes gray and stays so unless you click somewhere else. Is it possible to make it return to the initial state(light gray) right after you clicked? Answer Any <button> (not just ones from Semantic-UI) has a number of different states it can be in. These states can be selected and styled with pseudo-classes

JSX template literals for an inline style

I’m trying to add an inline style on an element which includes variables. Hard-coding the values works: But I need a way for both of the numbers in this style to pull from variables. I’ve tried a variety of curly braces and backticks – I think I need template literals, but am not sure how the syntax works for them

Store and extract JSX elements from localStorage

Within my React application, I store a javascript object in the localStorage. This object represents the theme used in the app. The problem is that one of the components of this object is a JSX element: I then use this object all over my app: The problem now is when I save this object in localStorage using JSON.stringify(), the JSX

Can a child method have change handler in React?

I was wondering why the child component with the changed value is not getting rendered here. Isn’t it a good idea to have a child handle its own changes or better to have the controller in the parent? This is the Child TodoItem As you can see the state is changed with handleChange() but this does not fire the render.

Can I add a key prop to a React fragment?

I am generating a dl in React: This gives me the warning: Warning: Each child in a list should have a unique “key” prop. This will remove the warning, but doesn’t generate the HTML I want: And I cannot add a key prop to a fragment (<> </>). How can work around this? I am using React 16.12.0. Answer To

Submitting form with textarea in React

I have a textarea that I want to stringify to JSON on form submission. I will even settle for just having the function set the textarea value. let value does not update. Do I need to use setState? this? Answer There are a number of issues in the code indicating a lack of familiarity with the excellent React tutorial. As
