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Tag: file-upload

Drag & drop a file anywhere on a page

I have the following code: You can click on it to select a file. But alternatively you can drag a file and drop it on the Select file button. But you have to exactly hold the cursor above the button when dropping the file. Otherwise it won’t work. There are ways to make the button or the drop zone bigger.

how to upload all images from a folder

trying to upload all images from a folder destination folder on server side is test destination format for images is uniqid().jpg problem – seems resulting array on server side is empty upload.php Answer You are passing a FileList object fd.append which is incorrect you have to loop through the list and add each file individually. You’re using the array of

Cypress- SelectFile() Not working as expected in Chrome

Cypress Version: 9.5.0 Chrome Version: 98 Ive been trying to use cy.selectFile() to upload a file in Cypress test. The following code looks as such: The HTML of the File Input looks as such: The code when running the test through FF runs as expected and the file is uploaded with a 200 on the post request. However when running

Variable “$file” got invalid value

I try to upload a file with GraphQL. While upload, I get following error message: Variable “$file” got invalid value { resolve: [function], reject: [function], promise: {}, file: { filename: “insung-yoon-TPvE8qPfMr0-unsplash.jpg”, mimetype: “image/jpeg”, encoding: “7bit”, createReadStream: [function createReadStream] } }; Upload value invalid. The only solution I found, was to disable the upload at apollo-graphql and add graphql-upload I already
