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Tag: json

How can I display the object property in text format inside the another index.html webpage in Javascript instead of an URL?

Below there is a function I wrote to get Movies images and I hyperlinked those images with the Trending_movie.overview property. When I click on the image I get the below-mentioned error ,the Function is converting the property Trending_movie.overview into somekind of URL The Error is :-Cannot GET /A%20group%20of%20vigilantes%20known%20informally%20as%20%E2%80%9CThe%20Boys%E2%80%9D%20set%20out%20to%20take%20down%20corrupt%20superheroes%20with%20no%20more%20than%20blue-collar%20grit%20and%20a%20willingness%20to%20fight%20dirty. The Object is given below:- I want to display the overview property

Javascript access repsonse of API

I am somehow stuck. Probably this is an easy question, but I just can’t get it working. I am trying to access a response from an API (mapquest), but I can not find a way to dig into the reponse to extract the relevant information. Here is my console-log and my code, I actually want to access the responseJSON and

How to use DuckDuckGo’s search autocomplete suggestions

I’m transitioning my personal search suggestions from google to duckduckgo, but I’m missing something simple to make it work. I’m using jQuery-UI’s autocomplete framework. My search form My jQuery The query for google returns: The query for duckduckgo returns: The difference between the two seems to be jsonCallback && jsonCallback([data]) is included in the google query and I don’t understand

Matching 2 arrays based on the values of some fields

I have the following list of ingredients in an array called myBar. The ingredient is contained in the attribute “name” I also have a second array called cocktailList containing a list of cocktail recipes. In here the ingredients are contained within the field “ingredients”. I’m trying to check what cocktails I can make based on a match of the content

How do I access a JSON array in JavaScript

I have a PHP script to which I make an Ajax request, and most of it works okay, but I’m having trouble accessing an array in the data returned to the JavaScript function. So, the PHP has a bunch of regular variables, and one array. The array, $places, has four elements, which each have three values, as so: A relevant

How to loop through complex JSON tree data?

Problem: I am given JSON tree data that looks something like below: The objective is to take the json object and its id and find matching object with id. let’s just assume its been parsed so it’s treated like an object. Basically, I don’t know how deeply each set of id and name is nested. So I know I would
