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Tag: json

Access nested JSON with month numbers

i got an json file with monthly values. i need to access these. I am not able to archive this. Maybe i just make an mistake. How can i get the value from the second “sales” with 9.99? I use JS to get the total_sales. This works. I really need you help for this. For more clearence: The JSON-File is

How to escape double and single quotes in a JSON array

I’m trying to create a chat system where every time someone sends a message it gets added to the JSON array in my database for that specific person, but the issue I’m coming across is when anyone tries to use double quotes ” ” or a single quote ‘ in their message. Anytime a message is added with these special

Django, how to convert Python dict to Javascript

In a Django app I have a dict created in a view and I want to use it in Javascript, but I get a syntax error test_dict.html test_dict.js Line 2 gives the output {0: “use_random”, 1: “use_stages”, 2: “use_import”, use_random: 0, use_stages: 1, use_import: 2} but throws the error in line 3 SyntaxError: Unexpected token o in JSON at

Scanning an array js object

Hello, I want to make a basic visual editor for my plugins. I have an js object like this. I want to get all “components” properties in this. I am using a this function to convert js blocks to html. However this func is very bad :P. Please HELLLP… -Edit: How can I scan nested components properties in my object?

javascript arrays of object comparing

I have a project when I get some data from a route in node and I need to compare with the last data I received to see if something changed, basically 2 arrays of objects. For the comparasion I used JSON.stringify(array1) = JSON.stringify(array2), but after I compare the arrays I want to put the value of array2 in array1, so

How to stringify js object, so that multiple double quotes are possible when sending it over

Well, i guess the main problem is defined in the title, but some special info is: Im trying to emit events to a api. For the eventtype part this is working fine, but when using JSON.stringify on the packet body (event data) part (which is supposed to be in this format: “{“msg”:”test”}”), it only returns this invalid String: “{“msg”:”test”}”.
