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Tag: javascript

Remove index from console.table()

I am viewing an array of data in the console. console.table(myArray) always has the index as the first column. This is fine when viewing object data, when the index is the key, but not when the index is the array index (in my case it is distracting/ annoying/ takes away from the content). Is there any way to show the

Vuejs Es6 class reactivity

i’m trying to have a computed property in vuejs associated to a es6 class. My Vue instance looks like this: My class looks like this If i try to do something like that: but the setter is never called, like the reactivity has been lost and i don’t understand why. I also try: I pass customClass as a prop, but

How to load data from a CSV file in D3 v5

I’m trying to load data from a CSV file in D3; I have this code: If I use D3 v4 it works fine, but if I switch to v5 it doesn’t work anymore. Can someone explain to me how to modify the code to make it work with D3 v5? Answer d3 v5 uses the fetch API and returns a

vue js disable input if value hasn’t changed

I have an input with an initial value: However the disabled binding gives an error: Cannot read property defaultValue of undefined. Best way to do this without spamming too much? Answer The error: Cannot read property defaultValue of undefined Is because the ref is not available so soon: An important note about the ref registration timing: because the refs

Catch block not working in node fetch

Trying to learn, Javascript. Pardon if this is really a basic thin i am missing. I am trying to run node-fetch to a wrong url, and i expect that it should be catched and log my appropriate message. However when i run this file through node, it gives me uncatched error Answer Its this part that is uncatched: Therefore attach

vuex empty state on logout

Quick story of my problem: Absolutely no data is stored in my vuex state when the page loads If the user is logged in(or has info stored in window.localStorage and therefore gets auto logged in) my vuex store retrieves all the info from a socket that requires authentication. Then the user logs out, But my vuex state save still retains

ReactJS styles ‘leaking’ to other components

So I have two components… a Navbar component, and an AboutPage component. They are both in the same directory, ‘App’ App — Navbar –> Navbar.css, Navbar.js — AboutPage –> Aboutpage.css, Aboutpage.js So as you can see, they have two separate stylesheets. In the JS pages the correct CSS file is being imported as well. When I do a style like
