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Tag: javascript

URL of open(…) relative or absolute

I don’t quite understand the functioning of the url parameter of XMLHttpRequest open(method, url, async). Let’s say I have a web server like that: page.html sends an asynchronous request to controller.php. As we can only send requests to our own web server, I assume that we don’t have to rewrite the website’s name in the URL. Example: instead of open(‘GET’,

Firefox: Service Worker: SecurityError: DOMException: The Operation is insecure

In app.js, I am checking the serviceWorker existence in navigator object and if available then registering the SW. When trying to register SW, I receive the below error in Firefox. I also made sure the service-worker.js file is under src directory. Checking my about:config in Firefox (version 59.0.2) I had service worker and storage api enabled. So that shouldn’t be

Maximum Subarray (Kadane’s algorithm approach) Input test case: [-2,1,-3,4,-1,2,1,-5,4] [-2, -1] [-2, 1] [1] [1, 2] I wanted to pass this case Input: [-2, -1] so that I modified var currentMax = 0; and var max = 0; to current code. Apparently, Kadane’s algorithm is needed to include at least one positive number so that second case might not be solved by this. Is

vue js cant understand keep alive

I’m doing tests with this code: And the js part I did the alert() test to see whether vue will re-render the component. I see that with or without wraping <component> with <keep-alive>, the alert() if called only the first time I enter the Home tab. So I have two questions: 1. What exactly keep-alive does? cause it seems

js get list of own static properties

I have a class with static properties and I want to get a list of all property values: Now I want to get: [‘all time’, ‘month’, ‘week’, ‘day’] Answer What’s your use case here? If you’re looking for a way to have some properties that you can iterate through but also refer to by key, then you can just use

Multiply (a)(b) function possible?

I have an oddball of a question from a code quiz. They expect me to write a function that multiplies (a) and (b) but instead of writing it like: They expect me to do the math with: Is it possible ? Answer Make a function that returns another function.
