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Tag: es6-class

javascript remove “onclick” event listener

I have tried many things, but none of them work. I wonder if it’s impossible? I know the ‘normal’ way with ‘bind’, but the arrow functions are much more readable and I prefer to use them. To better understand my question I made this sample code that illustrates the problem as fully as possible. Answer Because you didn’t add the

How to set a variable on prototype in ES6 Classes?

We know that in the code above, methods someMethod and someMoreMethod would get attached to the prototype of someInstance object. But, what if we want to attach some property (not method) to the prototype. I tried doing the following but it throws error: Answer ES6 classes do not currently support fields. However, you can add properties to the prototype directly:

Vuejs Es6 class reactivity

i’m trying to have a computed property in vuejs associated to a es6 class. My Vue instance looks like this: My class looks like this If i try to do something like that: but the setter is never called, like the reactivity has been lost and i don’t understand why. I also try: I pass customClass as a prop, but

Serializing an ES6 class object as JSON

I’d like to serialize myClass object to json. One easy way I can think of is, since every member is actually javascript object (array, etc..) I guess I can maintain a variable to hold the member variables. = and so on. I expected to find a toJSON/fromJSON library for class objects since I used them with other languages
