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Tag: security

How can prevent Stored XSS by iframe?

I use Extjs and JS to build a dialog where can display my html data from DB, that data is wrapped with iframe like this: I tried to add sandbox to iframe, but it doesn’t work, the XSS alert still show. Then I tried to change to <iframe src=’#’… sandbox>, but XSS alert still show. I removed src or just

FileReader upload safety

Say I have <input type=”file”> without any forms, and obtain an image selected by this input via File’s Blob javascript API: And that’s all. Say, there is no php script in my server at all. User just uploads picture via the code below, and, for example, see how the picture is displaying in the web page. In this case, is

Google reCaptcha V2 (Invisible) only fires once

today i tried to implement Google ReCAPTCHA V2 in ivisible mode. In the documentation, they showed, how to use it. I tried this solution, but the “onSubmit” function only gots called once. After that, the Button simply does nothing… Its there a way to fix that Issue without reloading the page? Thanks, Sascha Answer I have hit the same problem

Electron, contextIsolation and contextBridge

I recently had to revamp an old Electron app. I found out that it had contextIsolation set to false, so I went ahead and set it to true (and btw set nodeIntegration to false). As expected, it broke the ipc communications So I used, as advised in many places, a preload script that enables some communications channels Here is my

PayPal JavaScript SDK – understand security problems on the client-side

I´ve recently implemented the PayPal JavaScript SDK in my Angular 11 project (implementation reference). It seems to work flawlessly, however, I started to think that it might be possible to modify the pricing amount on the client-side. Additionally, there seems to be no further validation on PayPal´s side if the payed amount actually matches the requested amount. Therefore my research

This document requires ‘TrustedScriptURL’ assignment

After adding require-trusted-types-for ‘script’; in my Content-Security-Policy header, which introduced from Chrome 83 Beta to help lock down DOM XSS injection sinks, when I open my website, it becomes a blank page. I got many these three kinds of errors in my console. (Chrome version 83.0.4103.61) This document requires ‘TrustedScript’ assignment. This document requires ‘TrustedScriptURL’ assignment. TypeError: Failed to set
