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Tag: javascript

How to allow async functions in React + Babel?

I have a Typescript/React app, that can perform async function with a then/catch promise, but not with async/await/try/catch. The error is: Uncaught ReferenceError: regeneratorRuntime is not defined . The error seems to come from Babel. Here is my config: How to fix this? Answer You can find your solution at here If I summarise then you have to install a

Hashtag character makes file incomplete when downloading

I have a text file and I’m doing some changes in it before the user downloads. All changes are made with Javascript/Typescript and don’t generate any errors. The problem I’m facing is that, when the user download the file, it always comes incomplete after a specific and unrelated word. If I console.log before the actual download, I can see the

Chrome, FileReader API, === “”

I have a web app which does some processing on big text-files (> 500mb) via the FileReader API’s readAsText() method. It has been working great for years but suddenly I got empty responses: is an empty string. 369MB works but 589MB does not work. I have tested on multiple computers; same result, however it does work in Firefox. Chrome

Style Binding makes app no show up anymore in Vue

What I’m trying to do is to make small 20px x 20px boxes of different colors in Vue. But, whenever I try to do :style='{ background-color: color.text }’ (color is an object in the data with property text), it just breaks the app and it shows up with nothing. Sceenshot without :style='{ background-color: color.text }’ Screenshot of inspector with :style='{

Webpack resolve alias and compile file under that alias

I have project which uses lerna ( monorepo, multiple packages ). Few of the packages are standalone apps. What I want to achieve is having aliases on few of the packages to have something like dependency injection. So for example I have alias @package1/backendProvider/useCheckout and in webpack in my standalone app I resolve it as ../../API/REST/useCheckout . So when I
