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Tag: javascript

Update images in canvas input type file jCanvas

Im using jCanvas to make flyer editor with jQuery : In my javascript, first i call my function initCanvas() to add layers to the canvas and it work well when the page load. As you can see in my demo, you can change text, date and time but when you want to change images with setLayer() function, the background

Javascript .replaceAll() is not a function type error

The documentation page: When I run this, I receive Uncaught TypeError: string.replaceAll is not a function. Maybe I’m misunderstanding what a prototype is, but the function appears to be a string method that is available for use. I’m using Chrome. Answer .replaceAll will be available starting on Chrome 85. The current version is 83. If you download Google Chrome

Truncate value of Material UI Autocomplete (replicate Material UI Multiple Select’s truncated renderValue)

As some background With Material UI Multiple Select, you can truncate the value shown after selection, rather than going to another line (by setting the renderValue to .join the selected options, which gives the functionality of “option A, option B, …”). The important piece here is that it adds the “…” when the selected options are too long to fit

Delete uploaded image using Dropify

I have inherited a legacy system that I need to maintain. This system has a fileupload using Dropify. When creating a new record, one can select an image file and it gets uploaded correctly. When editing the record, one can update a new image using this widget and it works fine too. Now what I want to do is, when

how to hide/show element according to url parameter

i have 4 url parameters like so and 4 divs like html and css how do i unhide elements when a url param is searched, for example if i search for the div with id=’like should be now visible what i have tried i have tried to unhide the elements on button click, and I am successful using classList.toggle(‘hide’) but

Errors using yarn Package Manager

I have been using npm to install packages using sudo before each command. Considering that this is a bad practice, I have installed yarn in order to manage my packages. After installing yarn and running a package installation, I am obtaining the following errors: info No lockfile found. Should I manually create this file, or yarn should be creating one
