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Tag: yarnpkg

can’t invoke yarn after installing with npm

I just got a upgraded my laptop and installed yarn via npm and for some some reason when I try to invoke yarn –v it throws, although, when i run yarn.cmd –v it works fine? is this an issue with path? Answer This might have to do something with powershell 5, returns restricted I fixed it by running this in

How can I run a yarn app/How to run a yarn dev server?

I’ve always used just npm and never yarn/webpack explicitly. I need to run the code from this repo: Like a dev server or something to ensure it’s serving the files properly but I don’t see a “run” like npm run start. Does this just not exist with yarn? It feels like this code should work as is and I

Stylelint skips entire folders

I have stylelint installed in my project, and I’ve configured its configuration. I added a script to run this linter on my src folder. For some reason, the linter scans only one folder. Here is my configuration file stylelint.config.js: This is the script: “stylelint”: “stylelint –f verbose src/**/*.scss”, My src folder has a lot of .scss files. But this script

error An unexpected error occurred: “EPERM: operation not permitted, unlink ‘path_to_project\node_modules\prisma\query_engine-windows.dll.node’

I installed Prisma and I run npx primsa db push it pushed all tables to database successfully, after that I run npx prisma generate it tried to install @prisma/client and it fails with this error message: error An unexpected error occurred: “EPERM: operation not permitted, unlink ‘path_to_projectnode_modulesprismaquery_engine-windows.dll.node’ I tried to remove node_modules and re-install all modules but it not worked.

How to upgrade node module of the lerna’s subpackage

I started using lerna to be able to install all node modules for all sub packages using a single command. At the moment I do not use any other lerna features except lerna bootstrap. My lerna.json: my root package.json: my package-a’s package.json: my package-b’s package.json: i want to upgrade moment in the package-b. if i run yarn upgrade moment –latest

Can’t connect Vuetify to project

I followed offical documentation to install vuetify, but I’ve got trouble with that. When I am trying add vuetify to my project, I always get two types of errors: First type: P.S .app-main is my style class. Without vuetify it works fine. Second type: I am not sure what the affects are on changing errors, but they are changing when

Is there a way to “npm init” an ES module?

All modern versions of Node need to run packages as modules is “type”: “module” in package.json, but I don’t see any flags for npm init or yarn init that will add that property. Is there a flag for either package manager or an easy way to add the value to package.json (i.e., npm package-property set type module or something similar)?

Errors using yarn Package Manager

I have been using npm to install packages using sudo before each command. Considering that this is a bad practice, I have installed yarn in order to manage my packages. After installing yarn and running a package installation, I am obtaining the following errors: info No lockfile found. Should I manually create this file, or yarn should be creating one
