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Tag: random

Shuffling in react

I am fetching data from an api.Trying to make quiz application from the data of an API.I have selected random countries and their respective capitals and map them to my quiz application.I have achieved this already.Now i am trying to shuffle my answer options but not able to do that.anybody can please help? Here is my code I have applied

Shuffle array of N letters and take M of them

I have an X array of objects “letter”:”frequency” and i’m trying to build a new Y array from the previous one made of frequency-times letters (for each present in X ary). Then my purpose is to shuffle Y ary and take just the z-first elements from that. n is an argument passed to the function Why this algorithm doesn’t work?

Randomize color pairs onclick (CSS, JavaScript)

There is a button on my website that should change the page’s background color and the headline text color onclick (simultaneously). What makes it more complex is that the possible color pairs (BG + headline) should be pre-determined, but the pairs themself should be randomized, so each time you click the button you randomly get one of the possible color
