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Tag: typeerror

Odd “Uncaught (in promise) TypeError: can’t convert 50057 to BigInt” error with WebAssembly

I am trying to interface with WebAssembly and am getting a weird error. Firefox DevTools shows it as follows: Uncaught (in promise) TypeError: can’t convert 50057 to BigInt The code that runs right before this error occurs: The WebAssembly files being used here were originally being used in a system interfacing with Swift and a library called WasmInterpreter, so the

Why is an array that is passed correctly via props returning undefined?

I’m trying to load each string of an array of strings in a <li> html tag by passing this array via props: And I’m getting TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading ‘0’) I’m not sure why props.description prop is returning undefined. Also, this TypeError seems to only be happening with the props.description prop. Answer Your code is misspelled CardDescrition

Cannot read property ‘value’ of null function problem

So a makind something with js, and the following error is happening: Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property ‘value’ of null at addNumber (index.js:27) at index.js:7 Things I already tryied to do: Remove de parentheses from the addNumber on line 7; Do an onclick function instead of an EventLister Remove the .value of the var num (it works but returns 0.0

Node.js throws TypeError: Cannot destructure property ‘firstName’ of ‘req.body’ as it is undefined, even though it works for an other post request

So I know there are tons of similar questions out there, and I’ve read most of them in the past few days. However I didn’t find any solution to my problem. The app is about users can post memories(cards) etc… Point is, when I create a new card with POST request, there is no problem, but when I want to
