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Tag: google-chrome

Send input javascript, on Chrome

Does someone have any idea why only the second time I run my code it does work? The code just sends a message in the search box. I’m testing it on chrome using the DevTools console (F12). Answer The problem is with the React JS used to design whatsapp web, so to manage this you can call again event

JS select tag following an tag containing “foo”

So I’ve got this little chrome extension project and I’m trying to figure out how to find the first “ul” element on the page that comes after an “h2” element that contains a particular word. Example of what the web page would look like… However the nature of varying page code means that it may looks more like this… Or

Notification.requestPermissions – no dialog shown, “automatically blocked” message in Chrome

I’m testing HTML5 notifications on localhost, with SSL. I’ve reset the Chrome settings for the site (by clicking the lock icon in the URL box – “site settings”), and double checked notification setting is set to “Ask (default)”. Now here’s my code: But once the code is run, no permissions popup is displayed, instead I get this lock icon in
