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Tag: google-chrome

Hooking Function Constructor (JavaScript)

Does anyone know of a way to detect when a new function is created? I know you can hook the function class constructor but that will only detect new Function() calls, not function func(){} declarations. I assume the JS engine just creates a default function class when it sees a function declaration instead of looking at the global Function class.

WebGazer.js unexpected end of input

So I’m trying to play around with WebGazer but I’m already stuck at loading the js file. The webgazer.js file consists of 140k line of codes, but when I load my page the js file only loads until line 94k. I don’t want to use NPM cause it’s causing me a lot of hassle to install & run the NPM.

SharedArrayBuffer error showing up when making cross origin request

We have a local development enviorment (localhost/) that communicates with our development API on a remote server ( After the latest Chrome upgrade, I am getting the following console error when attempting to communicate from localhost to the remote server: While the link in the error does display some information, it is unclear to me how to fix this issue.

how to launch puppeteer with an already existing profile multiple time

so am trying to launch puppeteer with already existed chrome profile and it works , but what i want to do is to launch the same process multiple time which throw an error (node:12820) UnhandledPromiseRejectionWarning: Error: Failed to launch the browser process! [0311/] Web security may only be disabled if ‘–user-data-dir’ is also specified with a non-default value am doing
