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Tag: google-chrome

How to save the output of a console.log(object) to a file?

I tried using JSON.stringify(object), but it doesn’t go down on the whole structure and hierarchy. On the other hand console.log(object) does that but I cannot save it. In the console.log output I can expand one by one all the children and select and copy/paste but the structure is to big for that. Answer Update: You can now just right click

Open a new tab in the background?

Using javascript, I want to open a new page in a different tab, but remain focused on the current tab. I know I can do it like this: However, when I do this in chrome, it flashes the new tab for a moment before switching back to the current tab. I want to avoid this. The application is a personal

Access variables and functions defined in page context using a content script

I’m learning how to create Chrome extensions. I just started developing one to catch YouTube events. I want to use it with YouTube flash player (later I will try to make it compatible with HTML5). manifest.json: myScript.js: The problem is that the console gives me the “Started!”, but there is no “State Changed!” when I play/pause YouTube videos. When this

Cross-Origin XMLHttpRequest in chrome extensions

According to chrome extensions API cross-origin calls using XMLHttpRequest object should be allowed if permissions are set: An extension can talk to remote servers outside of its origin, as long as it first requests cross-origin permissions. I am closely following the Google tutorial, but the code below is giving me an error message: XMLHttpRequest cannot load Origin chrome-extension://bmehmboknpnjgjbmiaoidkkjfcgiimbo is

Stop Chrome Caching My JS Files

I will make a change to my JS files but it won’t really change in the browser, I have to rename the files every time so that it reloads it. Is there some sort of .htaccess command I can add or something to make it stop caching? It is even caching my html pages hard core. I need to reopen
