I’ve been trying to create the API calls on my own because there is no API access. I was trying to do it with fetch api. However, some security measures block me from doing that. I could not find a way to get around this. Therefore, I am trying to find the function that the send button fires. Set variables
Tag: google-chrome-devtools
How to debug MDN Web Docs examples?
Suppose I have Javascript example in MDN: I can run it with Run button: But can I trace/debug it with breakpoints with looking how it goes? Where is the source code of this example located in developer tools in Chrome or FireFox? And/or how to unminify it? Answer Where it’s located: probably in a dynamic module, possibly using eval or
How to test if Workbox precaching is working
My question is very similar to this question. I’m wondering how I can verify in Google Chrome whether the service worker of my progressive web app is serving precached files from the cache instead of the network. I have a service worker in place which uses following Workbox code to precache some files: I can verify that those files are
Is there any way to detect individual elements rendering in React Component properly? (Not Components rendering)
I know that we can detect Components rendering through React’s Developer Tool, I have also read other ways in this question. but this is not what I need. I’m looking for way to detect individual elements rendering in Component, for example when we have mapped list and we will add one item: before: after: I know that here React creates
Unable to login to web app when using VSCode Chrome Debugger
When I start a debugging session on VSCode, it opens a new Chrome window and loads my web app. My web app requires the user to sign-in via Google to use. When I try to sign in, I get an error saying “This browser or app may not be secure”. There is no option that allows me to bypass this
Cookies visible from URL bar but not visible in the Application tab of browser developer tool
If you go to didthanoskill.me and try to access cookies from the URL bar, you can clearly see “1 Cookie in use”. On document.cookie in the console, empty string is returned. I thought the cookies must be HttpOnly so I headover to Application tab in browser dev tool and there also no cookies are showing. Weird! Any idea why is
Difference when comparing the timing results of performance API and chrome’s developer tools
I am trying to time a fetch call. The following screenshot shows the time chrome developer tools show for a particular fetch request. As could be seen for the request marked in red color, total time it took was 79 milliseconds. Looks good. When I try to time using the performance api, the milliseconds are more than 100% at 163.46000001067296
Parsing values from Google news
From Google news I’m attempting to parse the results. For example, parse the title and text from the search “latest movie releases”, here is the URL: https://www.google.com/search?client=firefox-b-d&tbm=nws&sxsrf=ALeKk01qAUzdE7UzK9aWPL9MYALHEk6aiQ%3A1599313588168&ei=tJZTX6vwCdWr1fAP6eGiyAk&q=latest+movie+releases&oq=latest+movie+releases&gs_l=psy-ab.3…299098.305542.0.305681.….0…1c.1.64.psy-ab..1.13.704…0j33i10k1.0.9TgaNbbee40 The results appear to use #rso in the id: But the iterator over $(‘#rso’).each is empty. What id or css element should I select in order to iterate over the divs of search
Console.log custom fonts in google chrome
I’ve been making game which is played in the browsers console, and I’m interested of the possibility of using custom fonts. I’m working with chrome and don’t really care about compatibility with other browsers. I know that console.log() can be styled with CSS, but I haven’t had any success with trying to get it to work with custom fonts. My
Chrome DevTools, Memory: what is `feedback_cell` and how to resolve memory leak that traces to it?
Testing memory leaks in Chrome DevTools (after several attach/detach the jQuery plugin) I have found that there are some delta objects but I can’t understand their nature: What is feedback_cell about which reports DevTools? I do not have such identifier in my code (here BsMultiSelect.js). Line number points to method definition: function staticContentGenerator(…) { I guess the feedback_cell is something