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Tag: components

Programmatically instantiate vuetify-components

I am trying to programmatically instantiate vuetify-components and add them to the DOM. With simple components like a v-card or v-dialoge it works fine, but it does not work with v-data-tables. I created a codesandbox to showcase the problem: Look at the errors in the console when clicking the button to add a Table. Can anyone help me out

Vue.js component parent event

im wondering why my code isn’t working. I have an event ‘leave’ which should be called on blur. The components are displayed properly but when i leave the inputs the event wont be triggered. Thanks for your help 🙂 Answer Your <text-input> component needs to forward (re-emit) the blur event from the inner <input> element: Then, <text-input>’s parent could receive

vue js cant understand keep alive

I’m doing tests with this code: And the js part I did the alert() test to see whether vue will re-render the component. I see that with or without wraping <component> with <keep-alive>, the alert() if called only the first time I enter the Home tab. So I have two questions: 1. What exactly keep-alive does? cause it seems

How to Pass data from child to parent component Angular

I have a component named search_detail which has another component inside it named calendar, SearchDetail_component.html SearchDetail_component.ts Calendar.component.ts I want to access the startdate and enddate on click of the ok button in the search detail page. how can i do? Answer Register the EventEmitter in your child component as the @Output: Emit value on click: Listen for the events in
