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Tag: react-props

props are not working when using map method in react.js

props are passing fine when we are passing them as a whole array of objects but it is not working when I am passing the props by traversing through the array using map function. in the above code props are passing when I am passing manually in Cardimg component…but as soon as I start using map then it doesn’t work…like

which is the correct way to acces the props? [closed]

Closed. This question needs details or clarity. It is not currently accepting answers. Want to improve this question? Add details and clarify the problem by editing this post. Closed 1 year ago. Improve this question I think I’m not accessing the property src correctly, this can be found in all the objects in a line like this one logo: <img

React.js send id from or pass props to other component

I have this List of albums when i click on it, I want the new Page to have the data from this I want the Information of the album with the id I clicked on in the component Cover. Basically: I click on the ListItem with the 61a947a868f7d778e3ee73f8 My route /ItemPage opens /ItemPage has the Cover Component I
