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Tag: components

Put module into component, angular

I need put a mdbModal into a component, but the component does’nt have a module.ts archive, when try this movement I get: I dont have examples in my collective project, What is the way of can import a module inside a component? I’m relatively new on angular. This is my parent module I dont have problems if I import the

Lit-element – Importing a component inside another component and then accessing the DOM of the imported component

I’ve honestly racked my brain on this for a couple days. I’m decently new to lit-element and web components in general. Basically, I’m building a new component called <date-picker> and it uses the Flatpickr plugin. This Date Picker component imports another component called <textfield>. Inside of that component there is a wrapper(.date-picker) with an input field and an icon. I

How to call a method once a component is rendered?

I have a parent component that conditionally renders two components. Once I am done entering data in the first component, I click done and then render the second component. I want the second component to only then parse all the data I entered in the first component. Im a little confused which lifecycle method I am supposed to be using.
