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Tag: button

Multiple Buttons with their own Events in ReactJS

What would be the best way to handle multiple buttons that show/hide their respective DIVs. Example of the Code I have below. As you can see it’s set to handle just the first button. I need a method to continually add more buttons that show/hide their own DIVs. Example: When Button(A) is clicked DIV(A) fades in. If Button(A) is clicked

Change button value on ajax success

I want to be able to change the value of the button from “Submit” to “Submitted” when ajax succeeds. This works np. But I want it to work when the button is not clicked…In other words the button value “submit” should get changed to “Submitted” when ajax succeeds without the need to click the button again. Any help would be

Can’t move button with CSS

I have wanted to make a button that is aligned horizontally underneath the text that says “Bubbles”. I have tried flex already and in the snippet I try it with transform but regardless of what I try I wont get the desired outcome. So please Help! Whole code Answer Since you’ve got the container class but aren’t actually using it,

“Jump to Message” Button

Hi so basically I’m making a suggestion command. Once the user ran the command it will reply “Suggestion Submitted” with “Jump to Suggestion” url button but I’m getting error with the button. Here’s my code The Error Error: MessageButton must be a String Hope to get the some help with this as this have become the issue for me that

Change default color of button in Next.js

I am having a problem changing default color of buttons in Next.JS Web Application. It’s button text color is grey when I see it in google chrome in Desktop, but looks blue when I open it using my Mobile chrome browser. I want to make the button text color as grey in both of them. The way of customizing the

Changing the text after clicking a button in a modal

May I know how to solve my problem, how will it work if you click the button then the confirm button then the text “Hello” will change to a “Hi” word? I tried my best to solve it but I still can not know how to figure my problem that is why I am asking for a help. Answer

addEventListener to all buttons using forEach

I am trying to addEventListener to all of my buttons. This is my first time using addEventListener and it is not running the usergetNumber function which should display a random number when any button is clicked. Answer From top to bottom. There’s already a function usergetNumber() { … } declaration in addEventListener(). It’s a function declaration not a callback here.
