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What is data serialization?

First of all, I couldn’t get clear definition of it from WikiPedia or even from serialize function in the PHP manual. I need to know some cases where we need the term serialization and how things are going without it? In other words, Where you need serialization and without it your code will be missing some important feature. Answer What

Who is faster: PEG or GLR?

I’m trying to create some kind of lint tool for the C/AL programming language. So basically I need to perform syntax and lexical analysis against the source code. I’ve planned to write parser from the scratch, but then discovered that there are a lots of tools helping generate these parsers automatically. I need performance, since checking 20 megabytes of code

Why are “continue” statements bad in JavaScript? [closed]

Closed. This question is opinion-based. It is not currently accepting answers. Want to improve this question? Update the question so it can be answered with facts and citations by editing this post. Closed 3 years ago. Improve this question In the book Javascript: The Good Parts by Douglas Crockford, this is all the author has to say about the continue

Logic for multiple and single select/combo boxes

Below is my code: When select-box or combo-box is looped for ten times then I am getting form[“city”] length as 10 properly and behaviour of alerts within combox-box is appropriate, but if I have a single-select-box, then instead of giving form[“city”] length as 1 it gives it as 4 which is the number of option elements in my dropdown-box. So
