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Tag: phpstorm

PhpStorm: How to disable PHPCS for Javascript

PHPCS is checking my JS files on PhpStorm, I need to disable this feature I added this line in the file phpcs.xml.dist but no luck Answer Finally found it, I had to disable some extensions in PhpStorm config File | Settings | Editor | Inspections > PHP Code Sniffer Validation Or search: PHP Code Sniffer Validation or PHP_CodeSniffer validation There

Import not working with JavaScript in PhpStorm/Webstorm

I’m trying to run a piece of JavaScript code written in a tutorial that looks like this: main.js However, PhpStorm is giving the following error: Import declarations are not supported by current JavaScript version How I can get a newer(?) JavaScript version in PhpStorm? Is that really the problem here? Answer In your preferences, change the version of javascript to
