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Tag: error-handling


I’m trying to create a simple web application form. It requires the user to input their information, and click submit which ideally would hit an api and store the information somewhere like dynamodb. I have this code which is returning a response error POST net::ERR_NAME_NOT_RESOLVED For the life of me, I can’t figure out what’s wrong here… It references the

When and why is it good to create custom exceptions?

I am working on a complex application with different types of errors, services, and domain concepts. In order to throw “object” errors, there are two different approaches that come to my mind: Applying Object.assign() to an Error object (easy option if I just need to throw a single or a couple of errors that follows this form): Creating custom errors

Firebase – How to extend FirebaseError?

I am implementing a cloud function for signing up with unique username and password. In order to throw exceptions, I was previously doing the following: signUpValidation.js signUp.function.js But, I don’t really like this way of throwing the exceptions in the signUpValidation module… it makes more sense to me to throw “AuthErrors” instead of “HttpsErrors”. So, as it seems not possible

Error handling inside addEventListener callback

How do developers structure their programs if they want to have a top-level error handling function? The immediate thought that came into my mind was to wrap a try..catch to the main function, however, this does not trigger errors from callbacks? Answer In javascript you can override global onerror, catching most of the errors: In your case: Some extra
