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How can I remove an element from a list, with lodash?

I have an object that looks like this: I have lodash installed in my application for other things. Is there an efficient way to use lodash to delete the entry: {“subTopicId”:2, “number”:32} from the obj object? Or is there a javascript way to do this? Answer As lyyons pointed out in the comments, more idiomatic and lodashy way to do

Inserting MySQL results from PHP into JavaScript Array

I’m trying to make a very simple autocomplete function on a private website using a trie in JavaScript. Problem is the examples I have seen and trying are just using a predefined list in a JavaScript array. e.g. var arrayObjects = [“Dog”,”Cat”,”House”,”Mouse”]; What I want to do is retrieve MySQL results using PHP and put them into a JavaScript array.

Expanding “Activate Later” functionality

I would like to call some implemented validation Javascript method When I click on the Button “Activate Later” (see the pic). Any Idea how to do this? Answer You will need to overlay the siteadmin at /libs/wcm/core/content/siteadmin. Just copy that node structure and place it at /apps/wcm/core/content/siteadmin. Then navigate to /apps/wcm/core/content/siteadmin/actions/activate/menu/activateLater and place your javascript function in the handler property.

JavaScript factorial prevent infinity

I have been using this function for calculating factorial numbers in JavaScript: All seemed to be going well until I tried the number 500. It returned infinity. Is there a way that I can prevent infinity as an answer? Thank you. Answer You indeed need to use bignumbers. With math.js you can do: This will output: 1220136825991110068701238785423046926253574342803192842192413588385845373153881997605496447502203281863013616477148203584163378722078177200480785205159329285477907571939330603772960859086270429174547882424912726344305670173270769461062802310452644218878789465754777149863494367781037644274033827365397471386477878495438489595537537990423241061271326984327745715546309977202781014561081188373709531016356324432987029563896628911658974769572087926928871281780070265174507768410719624390394322536422605234945850129918571501248706961568141625359056693423813008856249246891564126775654481886506593847951775360894005745238940335798476363944905313062323749066445048824665075946735862074637925184200459369692981022263971952597190945217823331756934581508552332820762820023402626907898342451712006207714640979456116127629145951237229913340169552363850942885592018727433795173014586357570828355780158735432768888680120399882384702151467605445407663535984174430480128938313896881639487469658817504506926365338175055478128640000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000

Make a DIV and all children elements smaller

I want to re-size a part of HTML in my design. I need this change to happen as an animation. The DIV itself and all it’s inner elements i.e. Images, Paragraphs, Anchors etc should be re-sized just like when you re-size an image with a constant aspect ratio. I think, the tool should get current height and width of element

Show/hide ‘div’ using JavaScript

For a website I’m doing, I want to load one div, and hide another, then have two buttons that will toggle views between the div using JavaScript. This is my current code The second function that replaces div2 is not working, but the first one is. Answer How to show or hide an element: In order to show or hide
