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Tag: aem

Adobe CQ/AEM cq:listeners does not consider URL params in the afteredit event for the “REFRESH_PAGE” action

I’ve created a header component using AEM 6.5, part of that component only renders when and specific URL param is present, for example: https://localhost:8443/sites.html/content/my-site/us-en/testheader.html?show_login I’ve set my cq:listeners to make a page refresh after editing with That works as expected but I’ve noticed that the URL param is not being taken as part of the URL when the refresh happens

Expanding “Activate Later” functionality

I would like to call some implemented validation Javascript method When I click on the Button “Activate Later” (see the pic). Any Idea how to do this? Answer You will need to overlay the siteadmin at /libs/wcm/core/content/siteadmin. Just copy that node structure and place it at /apps/wcm/core/content/siteadmin. Then navigate to /apps/wcm/core/content/siteadmin/actions/activate/menu/activateLater and place your javascript function in the handler property.
