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Tag: vuetify.js

Vue.js disabled button with condition doesn’t work

I have a data-table in Vue.js component using Vuetify with a input inside a row, and I need to disable a button if the input v-model=”row.item.quantidade” was empty. but doesn’t work. HTML Javascript method in vue.js component Answer The function : should be a computed property and it must be used without () like :

Vuetify Data Table Expand Row on Column Click

I have a vuetify data table that includes expandable rows. The only real difference I have from the demo is that I would like the column to open/close the expandable row just like the chevron icon. When I put an @click handler on the v-slot for that column I get the error Error in v-on handler: “TypeError: expand is

Vuetify tooltip refresh/rerender on hover

I have a vuetify tooltip component. In the tooltip I have a {{date | moment}}. I get a static a few seconds ago. I want every time I hover over the button, to refresh the button tooltip to the current elapsed time (10 minutes ago for example). I can’t figure out how to rerender the tooltip on hover with the

V-chip not issuing input event to parent

I was hoping to resolve this on my own, but I am completely stuck. Any help is welcomed. Basically, this component prints a matrix 100×10 such as this: Threat1: AssetType1 AssetType2 AssetType3 AssetType4 […] Threat2: AssetType1 AssetType2 AssetType3 AssetType4 […] Threat3: AssetType1 AssetType2 AssetType3 AssetType4 […] Threat4: AssetType1 AssetType2 AssetType3 AssetType4 […] […] Basically, each threat is related to different

Calling a parent function from a child component raises an error in Vue.js

I have a navigation drawer child component inside my parent component. MainComponent.vue Now, in the child component (Navigation drawer), I tried to call a function from the MainComponent by doing: I have a similar parent-child component that calls a function from parent to child, but I don’t know why this one gives me an error saying: TypeError: this.$parent._appendUseris not a

Programmatically instantiate vuetify-components

I am trying to programmatically instantiate vuetify-components and add them to the DOM. With simple components like a v-card or v-dialoge it works fine, but it does not work with v-data-tables. I created a codesandbox to showcase the problem: Look at the errors in the console when clicking the button to add a Table. Can anyone help me out

Can’t connect Vuetify to project

I followed offical documentation to install vuetify, but I’ve got trouble with that. When I am trying add vuetify to my project, I always get two types of errors: First type: P.S .app-main is my style class. Without vuetify it works fine. Second type: I am not sure what the affects are on changing errors, but they are changing when
