I have a data-table in Vue.js component using Vuetify with a input inside a row, and I need to disable a button if the input v-model=”row.item.quantidade” was empty. but doesn’t work. HTML Javascript method in vue.js component Answer The function : should be a computed property and it must be used without () like :
Tag: vuetify.js
Passing dynamic boolean props to a VueJS component
How can I attach dynamic properties to a VueJS Component using VuetifyJS? I have the following VuetifyJS code example that creates a select field element: This creates a functional VuetifyJS select component, however I want to know how to pass the boolean props multiple, attach, chips to the select element as data properties so they do not have to be
Vuetify Data Table Expand Row on Column Click
I have a vuetify data table that includes expandable rows. The only real difference I have from the demo is that I would like the item.name column to open/close the expandable row just like the chevron icon. When I put an @click handler on the v-slot for that column I get the error Error in v-on handler: “TypeError: expand is
Vuetify tooltip refresh/rerender on hover
I have a vuetify tooltip component. In the tooltip I have a {{date | moment}}. I get a static a few seconds ago. I want every time I hover over the button, to refresh the button tooltip to the current elapsed time (10 minutes ago for example). I can’t figure out how to rerender the tooltip on hover with the
V-chip not issuing input event to parent
I was hoping to resolve this on my own, but I am completely stuck. Any help is welcomed. Basically, this component prints a matrix 100×10 such as this: Threat1: AssetType1 AssetType2 AssetType3 AssetType4 […] Threat2: AssetType1 AssetType2 AssetType3 AssetType4 […] Threat3: AssetType1 AssetType2 AssetType3 AssetType4 […] Threat4: AssetType1 AssetType2 AssetType3 AssetType4 […] […] Basically, each threat is related to different
How to clear selected row in v-data-table, Vuetify
I have a Vue app where I’m using v-data-table with show-select option. I want to clear only selected data using the “cancel” button. Already I can clear all data from the table onclick. Example in picture: I want to clear only the selected row (Ice cream sandwich) Here is my code: Table: “cancel” button script Answer If you just want
Calling a parent function from a child component raises an error in Vue.js
I have a navigation drawer child component inside my parent component. MainComponent.vue Now, in the child component (Navigation drawer), I tried to call a function from the MainComponent by doing: I have a similar parent-child component that calls a function from parent to child, but I don’t know why this one gives me an error saying: TypeError: this.$parent._appendUseris not a
Is it possible to pass array as props after mounted()?
I have app using VueJS + Vuetify + Spring. I’m getting a travel list from server and I want to display the list of names in a navigation drawer. I created a travelList array and I want to fetch this list of travels before drawerElements passes it to the navigation drawer as a prop. Is it possible? My current code
Programmatically instantiate vuetify-components
I am trying to programmatically instantiate vuetify-components and add them to the DOM. With simple components like a v-card or v-dialoge it works fine, but it does not work with v-data-tables. I created a codesandbox to showcase the problem: https://codesandbox.io/s/throbbing-butterfly-4ljhx?file=/src/components/MainWindow.vue Look at the errors in the console when clicking the button to add a Table. Can anyone help me out
Can’t connect Vuetify to project
I followed offical documentation to install vuetify, but I’ve got trouble with that. When I am trying add vuetify to my project, I always get two types of errors: First type: P.S .app-main is my style class. Without vuetify it works fine. Second type: I am not sure what the affects are on changing errors, but they are changing when