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Tag: vuetify.js

Trying to add v-model textboxes in a v-for loop of an Object

I have a bit of a problem. I am trying to loop through an object in order to create textboxes dynamically, rather than manually writing out the fields. Then in the template. That’s not working. I have also tried to loop through the keys (editedItem.keys), but I can’t seem to assign just “item” to the v-model. Answer You can think

How to download a vue file as pdf file in vuejs?

I have a vue as below which I want to download as PDF when I click on a button in main_component. Please help me find a way around to do so. download.vue main_file.vue Answer You can use the Javascript window.print document method and import your download.vue component into main_file.vue component and then pass the innerHTML of download.vue component by using

Is there a way to remove the arrows from an input type but keeping it scoped to only a specific component?

I want to remove the arrows from my input field but I want to keep it scoped to only the text fields of this component. my text field I’ve tried to use this solution from a somewhat similar problem: As well as this one: But they don’t really seem to function. Answer scoped styles are designed to affect
