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Tag: spring

Spring /login?error after authorization attempt

I’m new in spring boot. Creating my own website. There was a problem logging in to the app. I’ve tried different methods, I don’t understand what the problem is. When entering an http request, this request appears http://localhost:8088/login?error and displays the Invalid email and password message in the form. The request goes through the database and everything is fine.I need

Chrome not saving cookies in localhost

I know this has been asked before but none of the solutions named work. I am using Spring boot and React for my webapp, and need to set cookies on the website. I am developing and testing using Google Chrome. When I get the response from the server, the cookie is present and visible. However it is not saved in

Return HTML page with Spring Controller

So, apparently, I’m trying to return an HTML file with help of the Spring Controller. I already have added Thymeleaf dependencies and also tried the following ways to configure it: 1. Anyway, didn’t help, I get Whitelabel Error Page. Whitelabel Error Page This application has no explicit mapping for /error, so you are seeing this as a fallback. Sun Dec

What is a good way to pass many parameters to controller?

I have an application on Java (Spring framework) and Javascript (AngularJs framework). There are list of objects in the table and two text fields for filtering this objects. Filtering happens on the server side so I pass these values from text fields to @RestController’s method as params and then to the repository method. Client side: Server side: It’s pretty easy

More sort column in JHipster

I try to configure sort column using the rout.ts file of my entity. In the “data” tag I put defaultSort: [‘firstCol,desc’,’secondCol,asc’], but I gave an error. Then I put all in a single String defaultSort: ‘firstCol,desc,secondCol,asc’, but the secondCol is not considered the the query sent to microservice Then I put all in a single String using a char separator
