I have the following: My CSS: I need this because I need the textarea’s placeholder are to be horizontally and vertically centered in the page. Given textareas can’t vertically center text, I need to keep the height of the textarea short. I therefore need to make it so when the user clicks outside of the textarea, thinking they are clicking
Tag: textarea
Reacting to selection changes in an HTML textarea
How can I get, for an HTML textarea element, called back on all selection changes to the text edited therein? (I am currently using the hack of combining keyup, keypress, and mousemove (for dragging selection endpoint), and maybe more could be added, but this is not exactly elegant.) I can’t find it in HTML documentation or on Stack Overflow. By ‘all
Make the CodeMirror merge view addon display a count of differences found
While using CodeMirror’s merge addon, I am interested in knowing the count of differences found in the L.H.S. and the R.H.S. textareas, respectively. Is there a way of displaying the count? Answer You could implement it yourself, by using the diff-match-patch library that the merge addon depends on. Write an updateDiffCount function that uses the following algorithm: Get the two
execute javascript from textarea
I’m not entirely sure if this is possible, but I’m trying to create a mini faux editor in a browser that runs javascript on the page. Here’s what I’ve been trying to do in theory HTML javascript more specifically I’m trying to write to a canvas element via the ‘code’ I type into the text area, so that if, for
How do you get the cursor position in a textarea?
I have a textarea and I would like to know if I am on the last line in the textarea or the first line in the textarea with my cursor with JavaScript. I thought of grabbing the position of the first newline character and the last newline character and then grabbing the position of the cursor. Is it possible to
JavaScript: Scroll to selection after using textarea.setSelectionRange in Chrome
A JavaScript function selects a certain word in a textarea using .setSelectionRange(). In Firefox, the textarea automatically scrolls down to show the selected text. In Chrome (v14), it does not. Is there a way to get Chrome to scroll the textarea down to the newly selected text? jQuery solutions are welcome. Answer Here is a simple and efficient solution in
Max characters in textarea with jquery
I have the following code, and I’m kind of stuck on what to do next. The idea is when you enter text into a text area a counter tells you how many characters you have left. Once you get to the max characters I want to stop allowing characters to be entered, or delete all the characters that were entered
Creating a textarea with auto-resize
There was another thread about this, which I’ve tried. But there is one problem: the textarea doesn’t shrink if you delete the content. I can’t find any way to shrink it to the correct size – the clientHeight value comes back as the full size of the textarea, not its contents. The code from that page is below: Answer This