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Tag: textarea

getting textarea value with newlines javascript

I have an HTML textarea and when data entered, and when submitted a js function takes values form textarea and puts them into a paragraph. but there is newline between textarea values and when the function takes those values it puts them without newlines in the paragraph. Is there any way to make newlines even after submitting? Answer Because newline

Copy text from textarea to clipboard – Python

I’m trying to enable a Copy button that will copy the content from the textarea, I gave an example of my HTML file and JS, I tried in all ways but I didn’t succeed. Thanks for your help. My HTML My copy.js Answer You can also use navigator.clipboard.

Highlight specific words in textarea angular 8

I am trying to select a few words from the textarea and create bootstrap chips. I am able to create the chips for selected words. I am trying to highlight the selected words with different background colors. I am not sure how to highlight the words in the selectedText array. I want to highlight all chip words. Like “Contrary”, “Ipsum”,

How to execute script only after button onclick?

I have a script that auto-replaces specific characters like double spaces into single space and straight quotes into smart quotes in the textarea However, when I try to add onclick feature, it’s not working for me, it’s still executing it before the click of a button (the moment it detects the character). Here’s what my it looks like right now:

How to get single clicked word from textarea using JavaScript

Is it possible to get clicked word from textarea using jquery or javascript in IE and Firefox. Currently i’m using the below code and it’s working perfectly fine in Chrome but it doesn’t work at all in IE and Firefox. Expected Working Let’s suppose a textarea with text: ‘Hello World’ When i click anywhere in ‘Hello’ it should print ‘Hello’
