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Tag: reactjs

onChange not working on the first input into the text field

onChange event doesn’t return the first change of the text input but works on subsequent changes. Sorry if this is obvious, I’m new to React. Answer When you call setLocation(text);, handleClick will finish execution before the location value is actually updated. There is no need for location and setLocation; looks like maybe location is supposed to be the same as

React router differentiate between two parameters

I am using “react-router”: “^5.1.2”, and there is a component called CarJourney for which i have created a path like path: ‘/seguro-carro/simulacao/:journeyId?/:userId?’, so as you can see journeyId and userId are optional parameters defined here but i came accros a scenario where i have to get these parameters and hit a different api with these So, for example if my

Best way to include reusable SVG in React

I am including SVG as reusable component on my react application. Sample of SVG component is as follows On page level, I am importing IconComponent and reusing it. Is there any other best way to include reusable SVGs in React pages which improves performance/page load? Answer 1. SVG with webpack command line webpack.config.js then 2. SVG as component also you

How to group nested array of objects in js

I have a nested array of objects. I’m trying to group product objects that have the same value. Each objects has a vendor property containing an email. I am trying to group the objects by matching vendor email This is how my database looks like: I am trying to do it with the reduce method but the problem is with
