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set value on a click button from a function component to another const component React

All I want here is when I press the search button in Hero.jsx , I set a value to the guest constant in Hotelcards.jsx , any solutions ?

the guest value that I wanna set is on this file.


import { Link } from "react-router-dom";
import React,{useState,useEffect} from 'react';
import styles from '../styles/HotelListCards/HotelCards.module.css';
import {Checkkin as checkkin}  from "./Hero";
import {Checkkout as checkkout}  from "./Hero";
import {rowss as rows } from "./Hero";
import {notavailableat as notavailableat } from "./Hero";
import {prices as prices } from "./Hero";

const HotelCards = ({ idroom , title, status = true, price, img  }) => {
    const [guests, setGuest] = useState('')

    const [qty, setTitle] = useState('')
    var total_price = 0;
        for (var i=0;i<prices.length-1;i++){


And the button that will trigger the event of changing the value is on this file. Hero.jsx

import React, {useEffect, useState, useCallback} from 'react';
import styled from 'styled-components';
import homeImage from '../assets/booking-bg.jpg';
import styles from '../styles/HotelListCards/HotelCards.module.css';
import {differenceInDays, format} from "date-fns";

var Checkkin = 0;
var Checkkout= 1;
let notavailableat="";
let rowss=[];
let prices =[];
export {Checkkin,Checkkout,rowss,notavailableat,prices};

export default function Hero() {
    const [availdata, setavailData] = useState([]);
    const [isLoading, setIsLoading] = useState(false);
<div className="search">
    <button >Search</button>



So the solution was wrapping both siblings in a parent component and handle the state inside the parent component. Then you easily can share the state between any siblings that you want and use the state inside the child components. :

in the parent component :

function App() {
    const [selectedMode, setSelectedMode] = useState('open')

            <NewNavbar />
              <Hero setSelectedMode={setSelectedMode} />
              <Services />
              <Options selectedMode={selectedMode}/>
              <ScrollToTop />
              <Footer />
              {/* <PaymentSummaryFinal1 />*/}

in the first sibling Hero:

export default function Hero({setSelectedMode}) {
    const onButtonClick=(mode)=>{
<button onClick={()=>onButtonClick('closed')} >Search</button>

and on the other sibling Options.jsx

export default function Options({selectedMode}) {

    return (
        <div className={`${styles.containers}`}>

                        mode={selectedMode} // pass it to the child of this sibling



Thanks to Chad S in the comments.
