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Tag: reactjs

React Query with hooks is throwing error, “Uncaught Error: Too many re-renders. React limits the number of renders to prevent an infinite loop.”

I am working on a React JS project that is using React query,, React hooks and functional components. But it is throwing error when I use react query for API call. This is my component and how I use query within it. This is my getList API call logic When I run my code, I get the following error:

How Can I Simplify This JSX Conditional Code?

I´ve got this code snippet: where “buttonsType” is those enums: I´d like to know some better way, to simplify the conditional statement. Or is it possible to have it like this? Thank you. Answer I think Ray Hatfield’s answer is the cleanest solution and avoids repetitive JSX, but I’ll add a switch example as an option. Ternary generally seems like

Filter array based on multiple filters

I have a table that I want to be able to apply multiple filters to. My current code will filter by email OR status but I want it to do both so a user can refine the results. I’ve tried adding && instead of || in the filteredInvoices variable. I allow the user to select the filters they want to

TypeError: if ‘false’ not working as expected

I’m doing a PWA quiz application using React.js and I’ve met the following problematic: I can get questions objects with only one answer, and some with multiple. In the case there is only one possible answer, I want to force the user to only have one possibility. To do that, I made the following algorithm: However the execution seems to

simple toggle hook in react

I’m having problem abstracting my toggle function out to a hook. I can make the toggle right but something is wrong in this hook code: what’s wrong? Answer On writing this code: You actually are passing the event object to toggle function. And in your custom hook, you have the condition defaultValue !== undefined which will result in a
